The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)

1 1 1 a 1 THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1944 DISTRICT EVERY TAI BANKING FACILITY HEAD OFFICE, MANCHESTER, 2. BANK LID COMMODITY RESERVES From our Financial Editor Tel. Central London 2918 LONDON, SATURDAY. Production has been reduced 1 in a number of raw materials which were critically scarce only year ago. Apart from the decision to copper output, the American War Production Board has announced that output of aluminium in the United States will soon be reduced by about per cent, as supplies exceed essential needs and stocks are piling fast.

Some aluminium reduction works were closed last monththough this was partly to save coalpremium payments to marginal metal mines, including some producsteel-alloying elements, have been stopped. Stocks of spelter are growing very large, and in several other raw materials present trend is similar, at any rate the United States. A surplus in one country is, of course, compatible with shortage in another, because there is trade and ships remain scarce. In the United States the problem of production adjustments has been widely discussed some months. Senator Scrugham.

Nevada, leader of the minerals block" in the Senate, brought forward to facilitate output cuts and neutralise the effect of the large stocks which the Administration will hold end of the war. The bill has been redrafted several times. and the latest version is now before Congress. provides for a Stockpile Control Board composed of the Secretaries State, War. Navy, and Interior, together with three representatives of industry, with the chairman of the War ProducBoard as adviser.

This board meant to freeze all terminal stocks Government hands until the next emergency. No one will be surprised hear that the bill is strongly supported by all the mineral-producing interests. International Scheme A similar idea has been discussed Washington for application to the international fleld. Some State Department officials, headed by Dr. Herbert Feiss, have drafted a scheme under which United States Government would accumulate large reserve stocks strategic raw materials by way imports.

These imports are meant help in balancing American foreign trade and thus to relieve the gold and exchange difficulties. One contradictory suggestion is that such imports should taken, where possible, as repayment is even suggested a a that these raw lend-lease supplies during the war. materials should be carried in American "Liberty ships. though this kind 1929 argument does not sound as if comes from the logical Dr. Feiss.

In fact. cha month ago. Mr. William Batt. of the War Production Board.

described the scheme as 66 novel means of approaching a balance our foreign trade," which would nonsense it the imports were not paid in dollars. Mr. Henry Wallace took the argument further last week stating that the reserve stock gramme was one of the best ways secure the world from future Mr. Wallace wants to see the scheme adopted by all peace-loving TO BE LET omces and Warehouses Fact. 17.

Exchange Ch'tham A 206. CORNER SITE. 4 rooms, 62, Victoria St. RAILTON KNOWLES, 12. York Court (on Market -Suite of Three Front Offices Frank Westbrook, 49, Princess 84.

Manchester. Cen. 4178-9. D' I HOUSE. SUITES, 274.

Deanseate SHOWROOMS: convenience: low rentals call ard Inspect. WAREHOUSE: 5 (Parsonage doors: Lane) 678 mg. space. Knowles, 12, York City. FLOOR Omce and Storage: ares mg.

easy loud. 298. St Ann's Square. OFFICES to be Let. Apply Comm'aionaire.

ST. -Excellent OFFICES: passenger 111. FRANK WESTBROOK. 49. Princess Street.

Mic. CEN 4178-9. LANE Cross FRANK WESTBROOK. 49. Princess Street.

PION rent 5. Newton OPPICE suit on manufacturer's t. Apply R. C. STONEX and SONS 5.

Newton Street, Manchester 1. QUAY Warerooms in mod bldr. Lighted Frank Omces West- Lad brook. 49, Princess c. Cen.

4178-9. High rood hoist, central beating FRANK WESTBROOK. 49, Princes Street Manchester. CEN. 4178-9.

GROVE. Manchester.BUILDING TO BE LET: ELEC. GOODS LIFT: large lofty Shop and Basem*nt: easy rental. Apply 35. Withy Grove Wanted Agent requires Once.

absence. bartog facilities taking messages in 82. SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT Books Folkes Table of Colas excellent condition. 180. Capital Engines, Selection Machinery, of Engines, Tools, Bouts 4 A Pumps.

Machine Tool, Colliery. and and Contractors' Plant in stock. THOMAS MITCHELL SONS, LIMITED. BOLTON. M.T.C.

Licenca No. 159. Excellent Selection of Boiler. Enatoes, Pump. Air Compressors, and Contractor' Plant CHRIS.

HOLDEN. LTD, Bisceburn. CORNISH Que: BOILER In good FOR SALE, condition: best ofers. HENRY WILKES CHE UCALS COMPANY, Eyre Street, Birmingham 18. ALECTRIC CLOTH CUTTING MACHINES and Factory Sewing Machinery of all types LINZ de SONS.

Park SL. 3. BLA. 5131-2. dittoned and MOTORS: guaranteed.

Stock: T. PORTER Reconand co. BALFORD), Weaste Worts, Tootal Road. 5. Pendieton 1591.

H.OR MOTOR, SALE Starter A.C., and 3 phase, 50-c with Switch; strong Tank, doc miso 100-F. Motor. ARE 2765. FOR condition, SALT 20 400 Hds: OPEN 40. TOP 30, 20.

DRUMS. and 10 Ww. HEAP Eagle Iron Works, bride Tel: 8735. FOR PRESSES, horizontal HYDRAULIC SCRAP double-actins BALING type. 140 10ft tons stroke, total load.

vertical borizontal Tam ram dis. da: stroke, box Jong Bit. gin. St. deep.

with counter-balanced cover attaneed for locking: reconditioned thoughout: can be offered complete with sellcontained pumping equipment: seen mader test: six aracable. GEORGE COHEN. SONS. CO. Cobden Street.

Pendleton. 6. HAND 4rt. Geared 1 13 BINDING F. J.

EDWARDS, 359. Euston Road, Landon. N.W. 1. SALT with BATE.

Thermostat 27t. Control: a orbing. Address 75. Guardian B.B.C. BOMB SERVICE 1.474 (203.5 (391.1 Metres); (449.1 Metres); (48.54 Time.

Big Exercises tor Women! Music Composers, WE Brad. 7'55 IMt Up Your Hearts 0: Tune: News. 15: The Foci Front 8'20 1 Monday Morning 0.0 0 30 NE Valentine W. 45 Gaumoos Theatre Organ, chester. 10 10 15 For Time: Dally Schools.

Service. New mentars. 10 Richard Orchestra 0: For Schools. 0-11 18: 11 20 Science and Gardening. 11 12 0: Th Teaching 12 20 Gramophone.

Muste. script. Kathicen Moorbonse. 50 For Schools 10: For Rural Schools (Scotland). 15-8 35: from World History.

2 40. 10 Waters of Isiad 30 Quintas. B.B.C. Scottish Orchestra, Boor. 6 0: Time: News.

30: Billy Terpent's Dance Orchestra, Play, Sense Sensibility Austen. The Questions for To-day and To Veroon Bartlett. 8 0: Monday Meht Future of 9 0 Big Ben Minute: NeT 20: Orchestra, Bir Adrian Boult $0 The Battle Cape from Arthur 10 45 in 10 Trade Notes TEXTILE EXPORTS FALL The returns of British exports of cotton and rayon goods for the fourth quarter of last year show that there were considerable reductions in the volumes of the shipments of most of the classes specified compared both with the previous quarter and with the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Exports of cotton piece goods reached a new record low level, those of rayon piece goods were the smallest since the first quarter of 1941, and those of rayon yarns were the smallest since the fourth quarter of 1941: exports of cotton yarns were larger than in five out of the previous seven quarters. The following table shows the quarter's figures, with comparisons COTTON GOODS (000's omitted) 1943 1942 4th qr.

3rd qr. 4th qr. Yarn (lbs.) Grey 4,288 4,031 3,949 Bleached ayed 552 865 550 Total 4,840 4,896 4,499 Plece Goods (sq. yds.) Grey 14,018 17,952 19,315 White 21,001 24,049 23,123 Printed 20,800 27,619 31,809 Dyed 19,543 24,679 32,688 Coloured 5,537 8,582 7,875 Total 80,899 114,810 -RAYON GOODS (000's omitted) 1943 1942 4th qr: 3rd qr. 4th qr.

Yarn (lbs.) Single 2,519 3,870 3,478 Doubled 100 117 197 Total 2,619 3,987 3,675 Piece Goods (sq. yds.) All-rayon 13,953 17,868 20,494 Mixtures 1,678 1,834 2,328 Total 15,631 19,702 22,822 A somewhat surprising feature of the cotton figures is that the comparisons with the earlier periods are more favourable for grey yarn and for grey and bleached piece goods than for the other classes of goods. The Year's Figures Apart from cotton yarns, the main classes of goods were exported in smaller quantities over 1943 as a whole than in the previous year. Cotton yarns showed a' slightly higher figure than that for 1942-which was the lowest on record, -but cotton cloth fell to a new low record, and both rayon yarn and rayon cloth reached the lowest figures since 1939. The following table gives a comparison with the previous year and with the last complete year before the war: (In millions.) 1943 1942.

1938. Cotton Yarn (1b.) 18.8 122.8 Cloth (sq. yds.) 374.3 484.2 1,387.4 Rayon: Yarn (lb.) 14.2 16.3 7.7 Cloth (sq. yds.) 74.8 114.4 61.8 Since 1939, the largest exports cotton yarn were in 1940, and those of cotton clothsquare yards-were also recorded for 1940. Rayon yarn exports reached their peak in 1941, with while rayon cloth exports did not reach their peak until 1942, with 114,400,000 square yards.

Even after their recession, however, the rayon figures are still substantially above the pre-war level. WHOLESALE PRICES HIGHER Wholesale prices in January, measured by the Board of Trade index number, showed a rise of 4 per cent, industrial materials and manufactures increasing by that amount and food prices by .3 per cent. Since August, 1939, the aggregate increases have been general index 67 per cent. food and tobacco 76 per cent, and industrial materials and manufactures per Journal." cent, states the Board of Trade BY PRIVATE CONTRACT SALES BY Demolition Wanted FOR SALE. Semi-detached description of Cheshire alde of Property purchased for House, cash.

Shop, Sites or Guardian levelled, and cindered. Apply Thomas I YOU ARE and Son. Manchester 12 OWNERSHIP. 2571-3. HALIFAX country.

Demolition: Blair, demolition part expert. of the 6, gate, Manchester ING SOCIETY. Street, Moss Side MOS 1514 tion: 3 Businesses, C. rooms (fitted and CONFECTIONERS: main road MODERN SEMI: branch closed). CARTWRIGHT.

Road. Andeid, Liverpool 4. possession; CONFECTIONERS', and CAFE BUSINESS established FOR 1902: SALE, North AS Wales going coast: con- MORTGAGE retiring: price, Including all business TYNE PERMANENT Cox's double-deck gas oven, Hobart Residential mixer, and the Property, State Jour 44. Guardian 2. JOHN LINGARD CONFECTIONERS.

o.d-established Manchester. cash business, business: all modera counter trade: certi- bake- PRESS station: turpover £4,700 p.m.: owner retiring. 3 bath, 9, Guardian 2 Address 249, MASSAGE, Practice, ELECTRO- room, 3 industrial Lanca: Liso house, La AgO: at present 51, SCHOOL, Lancashire Guardian 2. District: lounge, A retiring: full particulars On appli- situated on Address 73, Guardian 8. Stockport: pay SALE, Detached Modeza POST OFFICE.

Address 107. up-to-date ring 3 aRce: central beating: and populous front, large present rental carden back only genulne offers need 3. possession Banklands end C. 297, Guardian 2. BALE owner rearing.

Old-established and CHINA HOSINESS: premises in cood position on main DROUGHTON Manchester: profits £2.000 Wanted. valuation: accountant's fizures (turalshed excelent opportunity to secure renutne Rockellife House, profitabie business: principals on conAddress 113. Guardian 2. mod AGE TRANSPORT BUSINESS FOR reception and SALT: four equtpment: situate West together Midlands with Address 59 town. 40, Guardian 2.

PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL: PREEN mburb: modern balding and uncal olices. FOR OD 229, Goard." price HOTEL of Guardian 15 letting bedrooms: spacious SEVERAL Larse rooms: fully equipped: central beating any condition: running water: in present bands Monton Street. owner For Bale equipped. TO Buy. Mod.

of G. GRINN, P.A.S.I.. 5, miles Street. TOBACCO: Manchester takings 1. CEN.

3997. to Property Liverpool: or Let. agents. Business £1.750: haring 2-3 no Write Bor 10, 74 Nightingale, Wanted Liverpool. WANTED.

or Bale Business where Books. Arts nod Crafts, Artists' Materia's can be developed WE Hotels. good ace. 40. take over chieta.

ENTLEMAN with Capital Larites correspon- Moss Side. view acute Directorship established Address 207, Guardian 2. with P.O. attached preferred: Detached House, show rood turaorer and be in aloe 2. -5 Address 267.

Guardian Contact Shop -selang Cotton, Piece Goods to Mortgages 109. Mic 2 wishing to extend pre- ELEVEN taking over Wholesale in Bouse abso- In FOR SALE. 221, Guardian 2. (51 one Cinema os two more is Halb. destrous of Address, Acquir- details Instance.

38. Guardian" 2. accountant 16, HALP-MILE TOWN HALL: Colections BAR. MONEY WAITING. terms moderate: SIMMONS, 88.

MOSLEY 2. HALLEY tO Acquire. tair-size Business, wholesale 03 retali to under TWO by the 184. Guardian water 231 advertiser: full mated rent 283 STONET Manufactories; Works, Cen. 6571.

DING POR SALS: two, ni ANTED, stables (BADCLIFFS). Outwood Bond. fall FACTORY PLANT for the CLOSE centre PERPETUAL contra beater 08 masa road boilers. 293 bout. mates: 100 con 121.

3d. electrical 90, Guard Hotels, crane beick BOTEL, ENGINEERING SHOP. 200l: 130ft loos 1 60ft. loading 25.500. South SEND.

electric Motor 17-AP. 50 miles A USTEN 18 of up to 8500 far Guard near Boliding Land, Sites, 60 ACRES at 8. let. 16 0 154. Guardian An Wanted CARLTON any district: CARLTON Tel.

Halifax Dwelling Houses 11,000 miles: LANCASHIRE EXPORTS Cotton Piece Goods 350 300- 250 200 150- 100F 50- Rayon Mixtures Piece Goods 35 30- 25 20 15 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 SPORT i CUP QUALIFYING Seven clubs now, have 'no chance of qualifying in the League North Cup. They are Chesterfield, Lincoln City, Bradford City, Sunderland, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Tranmere Rovers, and Aberaman Athletic. Among seventeen others who need full points from the remaining two matches are Stockport County, Chester, Crewe Alexandra, Bolton Wanderers, Huddersfeld Town, Bury, and Manchester United could only draw with Bury, while Rowley, who might have altered this, was scoring seven goals for Tottenham Hotspur. Manchester City, without some' of their best men, lost to Stockport County by the odd goal in seven. They are perilously near the bottom of the list of probable qualifiers.

RESULTS REPRESENTATIVE and N.P.S 1. Northern Command (at Grimedy); South Eastern Command 1. Command (at Chatham): Western Command R.A P. N.W. 5 (at Birmingham and District Works 6, English Dal versitles 2 (at LEAGUE NORTH Hodderadeld Town Qualifying Competition: 4, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1: Wanderers Blackburn Rovers 1: 4.

York City City 2, Cardin City Burnley 3, Blackpool Chester 3, Rovers City Aston Villa County County Rovers 3, Chesterdeld Gateshead 4, Hartlepools United 4, Darington Leicester City 3, Wednesday United 2. Bradford City Linoal City O. Shemeld United Liverpool 8, Crewe Alerandra. 0: Athletic 2, Bath City 1. United 3.

Bury 3: Manateld Torn Forest Newcastle United 4, Middlesbrough Oldham Athletic 3. Rochdale 4. United 6. Grimsby Torn County 4, Manchester City Stoke Outy 2. Swanses Town 4, Athletic 2: Bromwich Albion 3.

Northampton Town Wrenham 2. Everton 1. LEAGUE Brentford Arsenal 2, Palace Chelsea 0: 6, Southampton 5' Clapton Orient Chariton Athletic Park Rangers 1. Brighton and Hove Albion Reading 3. Ham United 2: Hotspur 8, Luton Town 1.

of SCOTTISH SOUTHERN Mirren 2, Hibernian 2: Folkirt Lanark of 2, Clyde Dumbarton 1: Thistle Motherwell Queen's Park 5, Rovers Rangers Academicals 1. BCOTTISH NORTH-EASTERN -DunHeart formline of Athletic Midlotbian 1. 3: Ralth Fatkirk Rovers 6. 1: Dundee United Fife 3, Aberdeen 2. RUGBY LEAGUE LEADERS WIN Two penalty goals for Wakefield Trinity against Wigan made their position as leaders in the Rugby League safer at the expense of their nearest challengers.

The match was watched by a crowd of ten as thousand, who saw two impenetrable defences in. action. Barrow's winning score against Huddersfield included five goals by Horne and four tries by Knowleden. St. Helens won their first match of the season with a margin of five points over Batley.

RESULTS Barrow 25. 5: 6. Leeds 63 Featherstone Rovers 13. 8: 4. Hull 5, Halifax 3, Helens 13, Batley 8: Trinity 4, Wigan 13, Bradford Northern 15.

PRIVATE CONTRACT SALES BY PRIVATE Dwelling Houses Motor Cars with Vacant Possession. Modern FOR SALE, one HOUSE: part furnished: CAR, with fabric Warrington. Address 59, small mileage: good 2. Apply SIR JAMES FARMER THINKING OP HOME- Adelphi Iron Works, (the World's Largest) BUILD- CARS you must be thinking of the KENNINGS LIMITED Local Branch: 130. Dears- ROVER 12 Saloon, 1938: 3.

interior: new condition Detached kitchen. HOUSE: nice bed- AUSTIN owner 12 Saloon: Brat wash bowis); carage." brown upholstery: Hale Road, Hale: 3 bed. round. bathroom, reception WOLSELEY Saloon, washhouse: garden: garage: vacant condition 10 throughout 21. Guard." 2.

WOLSELEY Saloon: ADVANCES easily and speedily condition. brown interlor: by the BUILDING SOCIETY on All the abore cars Premises, KENNINGS Guarantee. Properties and Business requirements to District 232, Cheetham Hill Telephone 57, Central Princess 5471. Street, REAL THOROUGHBREDS. SEMI: near shop WOLSELEY decorated in and out: 2.

colour dark treen kitchen: vacant Guardian possession: 3. £975 genuine 6,000 mLes: HOUSE: lounge, from De: price 2595. bods. bath: cost 2900 10 dining- years TWO DAIMLER tenanted. Guard." conuine 6,000 one, co.our Saloons: HOUSE.

kitchen. built 3 beds. 7 bath, 11 moat immaculate border of Manchester and One, registered colour April, black Stockport rates: price £1.000. fery good 1939: Modern Guardian 2. LANCHESTER SEMI-DETACHED Saloon: Drat 265 Ashbourne Road.

incisive: 1933: with Green leather: Pebruary: vacant Reply latest model, in clean Workington. price £600 price 2725. Cumberland ONE Nearly New ROLLS Wanted Saloon: to-date Aret motor-car TE in PARK and -House 3.348: price £3.500. 3-4 beds, for early occupation 1937 BENTLEY 414 considered): Rent or Bus. Crane, ught Sports Saloon: Bacon, Lancashire black with brown or Wanted.

and car us brand new: Desaebed 1 ROLLS-ROYCE Phantom urua! onces, 475 ught Sports Saloon, price possession Hooper body: Arat 2 back: front: LOL anted modern Detached Bedford cord rear: compartment rear: bedroom: willing to to rear of boot: every Address 3 8. JAGUAR elegant 100 carriage: 8. Detaobed chess. Houses Wanted, BLAIR, mi'es setter: only: colour Art trey Moms Side, MOB. 1514.

2895 HOUSE, to sod within 10 Four ROLLS-ROYCE Pre Manchester 200. Purchase, for war macula be condition reception and 4-5 Knotsford bed C. ALEXANDER, price Guardian 2. 190, Des Detached House: bedrooms OVER 14, Tel. 1939, DEA' Mobberley Mobberies, or rent.

263 Dew: mileage. Large Houses. Old Mar Address 36. Manchester. BLAIR.

MOS Wonton Stree 1938 PORD dou: SALOON, 1514. tyres, SPEEDWELL Porchase, with Tel. 4117. of TE 1940: bedrooms, rood: 19.000 miles: containing 2-3 with brown address. 1088, or 189.

We Guardian Guardian 2, and Property Investment ROM 14. COTTAGES: Heston Park distric ROVER SALOON, 192, cage Woot PRE SPORTS agent. Address 25. town: O. net rentals 8197 p.

mileage: the primate bole car owner CLOUGS, Brook and the most rilling to further Rent 2485. Manchester. 82, TeL Pramingham and Property rels: Management: satisfaction GINGER p. 29. Mic 2.

model: RANGE converted tato FLATS (one chief rent gross rates est 8. 1939, 48. price £450. Apply owned: mileage: original India. SONS, 5.

1939 MORRIS 8 DE new: original tyres: Wanted 37. Quay Street, House, District: NOM and some land Guardian price Cars el the Latest 86. Low tres are the frat Chief Rents particu'ars and price A TRUST to TOM GARNER. YEARLY RENT CHARGE MANCHESTER. property Guardian in Manchester.

2. per annum FOR SALE: secure of Late or write. cash: Sales our Boarding, Smash Old St mouth, POR DISPOSAL. 2201 (7 toes). 28.750: others Deron and Cornish GooD price Abram, 9, Dover ad Phone 67177.

Desire Bro. to Acquire Cars and Cycles or Beasties Car: 64. Abbott Park, near ARGE driven mechanical 01 BRO. ROVER Mi BAT CON 10 ta -Black. months data Bond Street, ADTOCARS STREET HALIPAT Open 8 to 7 Too sester TOURE 8 model: 1940: laid 2 years: 2300.

63 Bottca IN THE WAR Cotton Yarns 35 30 25 20 15 10 5. Rayon Yarns 70 60 50 40 10 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 ARMY BEAT IRELAND scoring with tries. SALE BEAT UNIVERSITY Overplaying Ireland in the second balf, the British Army Rugby team won handsomely at Belfast by two penalty goals and three tries to nothing. A strong side, despite enforced changes, the Army owed much to the splendid work of W. H.

Travers, the Welsh International hooker, who got possession from 80 per cent of the set scrums and was always a danger in the loose. T. Gray, at stand-off halt, H. Tanner, his partner, and Francis, on the right wing, also were often prominent with clever play. G.

E. Nelson, leading a forward rush by Ireland, threatened early danger, but Gray saved the situation and the Army gradually assumed control. Travers put them ahead with a try, and after Grey failed from an easy position W. E. Tamplin kicked a forty yards' penalty goal.

In the second half the Army showed all-round superiority. C. J. Murphy, Ireland full back, did good work, but Gray kicked a penalty goal and Foster and Tanner completed the Sale's record this season is one of the best in the Rugby Union clubs. Only five sides have beaten them.

and of these one was Manchester University (9-7 at Brooklands), a reverse which was avenged in another keen match at Fallowfeld by a dropped goal and 8 try (7 points) to a penalty goal (3 points). The University were weak outside the scrum. whereas Sale bad K. C. Fyfe at stand-off half and H.

S. Sever and G. A. Hollis in the three-quarter line. In the circ*mstances it was something of a feat for the University to have their line crossed only once.

This was when Hollis shot down the right wing and round behind the posts late in the second half. Up to that score, made possible by Sever's constructive work. the that lead had consisted of a dropped goal by player. Prompt falling on the ball, quick following up, and, with rare exceptions, well-timed tackling--Abram was outstanding in this--foiled all Sale's other attacking moves. These were numerous, first because of the efficiency of R.

Ward-Smith's hooking, and secondly from the frequency and with which long B. Doherty pass-back and from V. G. the Weston' line-out. used The the losers' penalty goal was kicked by Abram.

T. H. E. B. RESULTS REPRESENTATIVE MATCH- The Army 15, Ireland (at Beltaot).

OTHER Manchester University 3. 7: Cadets De University A College 9, Stockport Technolory Engineering R.A.F. 23; O.B, 18. Broughton Park R.A P. XV 18.

Grasshoppers 8: Waterloo 15, Liverpool University 12; 16, Oldham 11: Manchester G.S, 12. Bede's College and East Riding 24, RAF. XV University 9. Headingley 0.B. 12.

Leeds Medicals 10: Westpe 20. Coilere of Commerce Percy Park 25, Collezo (Newcastle) 14; 13. Hospital 11; St. Mary's Hospital 18, London District 7 (at Richmond): Roslyn Part 17. Welsh Intantry Brigade XV old Blues 17.

Hospital Warps Hospital 18. R.A.P. XV Coventry 15, University 3: 27. XV 12; University 17, Eastern Command University 6, Middlesex Hospital 5. CONTRACT SALES BY PRIVATE and Gycles Motor Cara and ROLLS ROYCE Wanted saloon body.

by Rippon: condition: 1931 model. 7 to 10 hp. NORTON co Address 188. Salford 3. 1939-1940 10.

have the following Mileage Clean Cars: TO possible prices; miso Austin green: green leather sines from 1937 onwards: good throughout: one Alexander. 190. chester. Tel DEA. reg.

black: WE Rolls. Buy your Particulars Bentler. excellent condition all Huddersdeld Road. 1939: ona owner: 18 per. Motor Vans, Lorries, Arst rec.

1940: black: one owner: excellent Wanted L.W.B. Bedford carry our 3 months' 1940 model: must be In small micare: lowest cash price. LIMITED. to A. Thornsett, Road.

BLA. A 9111. Stockport for under LTD. good Second-hand Motor Drat res. mately 2 tons capacity, preferably with Green leather: Address 8.

Guardian car Tipping Lorries for WANT Ashes for very 212 Litre Six Light ment work: dager loaded: weekly black, red leather: Chesnire and Lancashire. Are res Heywood. 'Phone 6856 day: 6556 condition: price creen kather: Arr Horses, Dogs, Carriages, throughout: price £695 OLD Particuers ENGLISH to BOB TIDESWELL, -TAIL mi.cage 17,000: 84x Light, Pour-door color back Tyther-naton, mileage 15,000: very Wanted condition throughout: ANTED. modern Horse WRAITH Sports baker's retail round: the most condition Address 92, the country: mileage Furniture Park Ward Body: colour Piano TABLE (Neumeyer), and 8 Bookcase, Fourleather: ad tIres perfect case and Desk. Stores.

35. price £1.950. DIGURED OAK BEDROOM 111 Four-door, Four- and double bod: feE. with Drop Division: New condition: £185. 147.

co our GENTS WALNOT West of England quatty: perfect spacious boot and to: tull particulars, 256, also special concetrable HIGHEST GRADE Sheraton price front, overmantel DISLAY Latre Open Sports Two- bow beautifuliy Inlaid, with red leather: 2,000 match. ter. prica cupboards. JOHN MITTON, "Phone 30. WRAITH 30-b p.

Address 62. 4 throngboot Sports toand as brand 100gns. MODERN Toco WALNUT mattress, DOUBLE Manchester 3. 'Ph. adie Hume 4795-6.

HOLSTERING de LuxeFOR SALE Privately: recovered. modernised. 1n Guard." crush velvet reline: 142-Litre cash. estimates. prices: est.

Guardian 2. address. Borwich's. 105. 1938, 4 pew tyres, Manchester 3024).

our 8. SALOON, MEREE-PIECE REXINE GARAGE, Rochdale. ocodition. Phone Minor 5425. THREE PIECE SUITE, showroom condition: 2'25: upholstery: tyres A Lounge Sulte: 2550 cash.

Phone best 250: seen address 98. MC 12, Court, Part THREE-PIECE CHESTERPIKLO 12, Bark 1939, Dow rex, hide. or uncrushable Bolton, 106 to 1939: back: house sold, exchanced: DEW: 20 AMY CROSSLEY. 55, Chapel SALOON. Guardian 2.

Three minutes from Exchange since 1938 model: OUR in most new: wonderful imall made and Re-covered careful Inspection invited: one BLA TE: 0465 Road. Brooktands. (eventars) SALE 3803. Wanted condition: 1938 Purchase. bisck: (6) new.

condition. The Lr Anchor Gar Cambridee St. Drop-bead COUPE: BLA. from per: privately 2210. Musical Instruments LUXE: low mileace: CHAPPELL 2195.

PIANO FOR BALE: rosewood MOTORS, condition: tone: can Manchester. BLA. 4563. by appointment. 15.

are urgently requiring FOR SALE. TRIUMPH dble manatactare. 88 note, with edition, and Address 8 89. Grardian fall ON BALE. 8a tawood UPRIGHT expected without delas frame, exhibition 129.

24. Bank, Wardle. 6677 (10 Enes). VIOLIN, by JOES BETTS: Wanted Apply 16 ANGELUS Wigan Model Used Wanted 75. Cross Street.

B. and J. Quick, Phone Wanted inspector call. Manchester Prices for state for Model Rover, Smith's, 73, Oxtond Road. Ontat Draco ton Road.

Do and 16 please nearly Piano or Baby details. 5. Addison Terrace. Tel 203. Wireless from 1937.

1 MERGUSON 1940 Car model 10.D. Anto 2.50 Repairs: CARS Good and delivery: LANDS MOTORS. it: 1938 103. Radio. 16, Til 10 RADIO collection and and Bush.

Leto. 'Phone DEA 4083. Dalmiers FREE MURPHY SERVICE 1957-1940. CHANGE RADIOGRAM, Ba loons control: 2765. open ROLAND 9261-2.

LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY A Joint Commemoration: Site of His Ancestors' Home cut the 40 up and ing the in for of bill the in to An be for It in for All this might lead to a useful ing device, but it might equally in disaster. Government purchases large reserve stocks would reduce supplies on the market and may even cause especially if the buying starts soon the war. or if the terminal war are maintained as a nucleus. ing Interests will regard the means of stabilising prices, usually means keeping prices at war-time levels. The first condition ought to reserve purchases should never with commercial demand (a difficult distinction), the second, genuine demand must be met possible sources, including stocks, when it arises.

Civilian in the transition period will almost tainly be still higher than the demand, and stock plans prevent this demand from being and promptly met. There will be pressure from producers to a reserve-stock schemes to prevent In this way these well-meant plans lead straight back to the restrictive war practices, with the added State powers to smother the voice consumer. a COMPANY AFFAIRS to BRITAIN IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF AND The report for ended 1943, states that after at allocating for income tax fund 2100.000 to stat? net Dront was General reserve again recetres 2500,000. It p.c., forward plus 212 tax free. 21.869,758 MARTINS The directors announce of following the death of Mr.

R. M. M. Mr. R.

V. Buxton has been clocted chairman London board. Wilkinson and Riddell--Net pront for providing for taxation. £40.997 (scat. is Final bonus die.

5 making 10 pc. for rear 2 C. (same); forward £29,112 Romney Trust -Net revenue for 1943 of (agst. 213.304). Div.

5 p.c. 218.511 Consolidated Signal 2712 year to 1943 (amt. 24 p.c.). Joseph Nathan and 10 for sear ended 1943 (west. 10 Net United profit Dairies, £84,298 (agst.

Inter. div. 5 p.c. (sue). THE MONEY MARKET in No bills were bought, and the turnover Joans WaS small.

but there was plenty offered at 1 D.C. The gold and aliver markets remained Foreign Moroccan, African francs were quoted 198-204. Au the unchanged. of LIVERPOOL GRAINS of -WHEAT: No changes were the fo.b. prices of Canadian descriptions, to demand from United Kingdom Control the moderately active periods during the interest was maln's for forward shipments.

demand for Canadian wheat was limited, eased It La expected that Portugal however, to cover her needs until her crop 1s araliable. The Argentine Ministry culture announced the exportable wheat Feb. 10 7.323.000 tons, as against tops on Jan. 27 and 7.950,000 tons on Feb. Australian does not attract demand from and quotations remain as recently, No.

1 Manitoba (West St. John-Hallfax) Feb. 16-29 of No. 2 No. 1 (New York) Feb.

16-29 it No. 2 No. 1 16-29 No. 2 bulk 143c. bushel.

3770. Australian 34 -0. 6312lb. (1942-3 crop) March-April Rosale Barll quarter SPOT supplies of English a for present requirements. Milling cwt.

grades be Canadian and Australian 280lb. WHEAT -Position very permit demand absorbing current, production. milled cwt. from port moll and from country mills. by Good demand for EncHah.

but moderate. Max. milling feeding to (both) cut. U.S. MARKETS All United States markets were closed on the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday.

SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT Engines, Machinery, Tools, do. RINDING MACHINES FOR SALE. LANDIS Plain Grinding Machine, 20in. 144 In wheel size 241n. selk-contained drive, work speeds, 3-60 r.p.m..

swivel table. quick power traverse to wheel head: equipment pump and tank, 7 work steadies, 4 spare wheel adaptors, centro rinding attachment. diamond toolholder. MACHINE TOOL LTD. 312.

Bradford Street, Birmingham' 5. (Licence 168.) ANNOUNCEMENT TO -Electric Machinery Company, New Union Works, Ancosts, NOW from stock NEW Electric Motor, from 1 to 20 h.p against Exempting Declaratian. Tel. Col. 1352.

STEEL WELDED STORAGE TANK. 6ft. 61n. dished ends, approx. 2.000 calls.

capacity. HA ditto, ditto, about about 1,600 1.200 calis. calls. STARKLAND-SCOWCROFT. Bolton.

MOTOR WILLIANS REWINDS: Night LAPPIN. and Paton Day Bervice. Brreet. Manchester 1. CEN.

7520, HEA. 1564. NEW for LIFTING essential GEAR purposes FOR BALE: only: avalable inquiries Invited from Arms on work of patiooal ImportGeorge Cohen, Sons, and Ltd Industrial Supplies Section. Cobden Street, Pendleton, Salford. PEN.

1376. DOWER Geared BENDING ROLL, capacity 9in. lain P. J. EDWARDS, 359, Juston Road, London, N.W.

1. Latex RUBBER SPREADING MACHINES FOR on face of roller: also One Black Surface Revolving PEBBLE MIXER. together with other Surplus Machinery. SPRINGFIELD MILES Outwood Road. Radcliffe, FOR HEAVY AND A LIGHT CHINES WORK.

SINGER 31K15 W. and G. Overlocking. fancy stitchins. embroidering.

and rations other makes. Outs machinery stocked. Surplus machinery purchased for cash. GARSIDE MACHINE CO Otices and Showrooms, 41. art ChoritonManchester 1.

ARD. 1287 3037 IN Large variety of all type. Electric H. MACANN 69-73. Back Piccadilly, Manchester.

'Phone CENtral 1952 Wanted SECOND- Machines, HAND spool Den 5in. Warping make: stats particulars and price, Address 116. Guardian 2. TRO 20 STEAM TURBO SETS, 190 D.C.: DINNS. 156.

Road. Scarborouch WANTED, 19. Bandkulle Faraday Machines: Avenue, any 8 COL. 1797 totally enclosed S.R. Motor: 400- 3-50 750 m.

Halwains, Bury. Quantity of Alternating Current Motors. volt. 50 cycles. phase: must be modern machines.

Full details to T. Porter and Co. Weaste Worts, Tootal Road, Salford 5. Phone Pendleton 1591. 3 platform, tons capacity.

Full particulars to Osroday. Scarbarpuch. Building Trades Material FADED Glass Lighte. War Polished Plate, Window and Roof LETLAND and SONS. Talbos Road, Stretford.

Long. 1155. Wanted 7 ANTED. Houses, Old Buildings, Factories, any condition: Fill over chiefs. Blair, 6.

Manton Street, Manchester. Hos. 1514. PROGRAMMES Personal Moray McLaren Chooses Poems, Shakespeare, Drayton, Thomas Jordan 11 35 Gramopbone. Noel String Orchestra.

30 Time; FOR THE FOECE (896.1 877ccs. (349.1 Metest 3D Gramopho Rfreild I paone. Ben 1 Gra 11 30 Entertain." Aperican Red Cab ta 30 Performance (Recorded in Memories of Musical Payer's Orchestra. 30 Jack: Bea stabiliswell end of tend to commercial scarcities, after stocks Producstocks as which or near be that compete notoriously that from all Government demand cerpeak of must not fully strong use the that. may predanger of of the GREAT the year providing and 27.957.465): Carried that of the 1943, after 240.661).

(same); (agat. forward p.c. for free of tax Jess tax). of short of money closed. end West other rates advised in with the quietar after week, when Neutral prices baving will require domestic of Agrisurplus on 7,578,000 6, 1943.

this country Northern 141340, Feb. (newArgentine on offer Imported, steady, with Home cat. supplies only 156; min. Saturday, SALES DEMOLITIONS. Works cleared, Maiden 'Phone WAR ANTED, Monten (with 82.

Breck cern; OW REF utenslis, 50qt. DO agents. house: ded Address large moderaised. order cation. HOR with sep.

district: apply. GLASS road near stock at abic: and ndered. garage industrial ARGE chester public and Particulars Beaver £1,650 outskirts Lee and NY and dence ORNATE Retail Woollen Address PROVISION pared Manchester lute SMALL WITHIN PANTED or Mitts, addition sell TOR towns and low large Also bead 76. The 135th anniversary 8t Abraham Lincoln's birth was commemorated on Saturday by a joint broadcast from London and New York and a ceremony at the American Embassy in London, when the deeds of the site of Lincoln's ancestors' home at Swanton Morley, Norfolk, were handed over to the National Trust. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr.

Temple, taking part in the broadcast, said that Americans and British were now fighting side by side, as Lincoln once fought, to ensure that government of the people by the people for the people should not perish from the earth. If democracy is to be real, the people must effectively claim their place in control of all that vitally affects them -the political government first and foremost, but also the industrial concerns to which most of their energy and time is given and the many cultural and recreative associations in which they occupy their leisure. 46 There is real danger that in our time people may regard the as universal provider of pensions and social services, rather than as a channel through which their own service can be rendered If government is to be by the -people, each citizen must be fit to take a share in the government, and if the Government is to be for the share of government, not in the spirit people, each citizen, must exercise his FORCES' PAY Women's Demand for Increase A delegate conference organised by the London Women's Parliament yesterday demanded increased, pay. for the forces and improved dependents' allowances and pensions. Dr.

Haden Guest. Labour M.P. for North Islington, who presided, said he knew from his experience of the last war that the adjustment of pay was so complicated that there was a guerrilla war always going on between the various sections of the Services. The following demands were unanimously carried pay. 5s.

a day wives' allowances. 35s. a week children's allowances, 12s. 6d. each child: war service grants, qualifying amount to be raised to 25s.

for adults and 12s. 6d. for a child dependent parents, 10s. per week and the right to hardship grant pensions to parents, not less than dependents' allowances, plus allotment being received before soldier was killed; disabled Service men. £3 for 100 per cent disability wife and children's allowances irrespective of date of marriage or birth.

F. W. JOWETT MEMORIAL The National Council of the Independent Labour Party decided yesterday to establish a fund for a memorial to Mr. F. W.

Jowett, the national treasurer of the party, who died recently aged 80. They will consult the branch at Bradford, where Mr. Jowett was born. about the form the memorial should PRESTON carhire Jolnt wholesale prices Pood Control market. CONTRACT Cycles Car: reasonable, Guardian 2.

12. and 14 0.9. will give highest Limouprice siren. Deansgate, Laganda, or Tel. 3263.

and Wagons take. end Cab, good condition: Full particuBirch Vale, dear essential work, Lorry, approxi- Carrying Slag Important Governpayment: Prank K. night dat. POP BITCH. Clarke Lane, Van.

ruttable for must be In rood Guardian CHAIRS to match, also BookWithy Grove, SUITE. with class deren: in brand Guard." WARDROBE condition, Address Goerdian CABINET. At made to front, three Strand. Todmorden. WARDROBE: mirror: Guardian 2 BED.

box complete new, 337. betn. 8. Suften cowhide workmanship: free 33 Strettord Road. only address.

SUITE, 1a good Sal. 3676. 284. ex. condition: by appointment.

Roed, W.R. SUITES velvet, from everything for the free dell Balfond. Renew in modern maranteed: 3-piece Upholstery Butter: Salford GRAND case: perfect be seen in Hale Guardian 2. AUTO PIANOLA: 40 Polls: 2110. 2.

PIANO, from model No. Rochdale. in perfect condiLane. PLATER PIANO. Sale.

Gras4 and Upright ARD. 3961. Grad motor 1 015L Late 1261. for Corporation 1114. deliver 10 62, Swan with 12-False 4020 with PHILCO 30-13 RADIO of self-seeking, but in the spirit of service to his Zetland received tellow-citizens." on behalf of the National Trust the deeds of the site at" Swanton Morley.

They were handed over by Colonel J. Leslie, of Brancaster, Norfolk, the donor of the site, who expressed the hope that suitable memorial might be erected. Mr. Winant, the American Ambassador, said that no one would have been quicker than Lincoln to realise the debt so many owed to so few, when our world might have died' if there had been a few less young airmen in the R.AF. or a few less aeroplanes and mechanics in the British Isles.

Mr. Quintin Hogg, M.P. for Oxford, speaking from the statue of Lincoln in in Parliament Square, also took Commander part the broadcast, as did Herbert Agar, special assistant London. to the American Ambassador in. Giving the Lincoln birthday address from Springfield, Illinois, Vice-President Wallace said: "It is bad business and bad morals to allow believers in scarcity to hold down production while people need goods and men are out of work.

This is a people's war; the peace must be a- people's peace. shall fight unceasingly against anyone who puts the dollar above the man. If Britain had fallen in that summer of 1940," he said, the best we could have hoped for would have been to fight. an endless war against the resources of an enslaved world. All present hopes for our American way of life would have been dead." SHELTER DEFECTS Unfair Criticism of Local Authorities Alleged Conclusions contained in a report by the Committee of Public Accounts on defective, as surface very air-raid unfair shelters, local are authorities by the General Purposes Committee of the Association of Municipal Corporations.

The Committee of Public Accounts 'had stated that the main cause of defects in the shelters of 280 local authorities out of 1,800 was the use of lime mortar without cement, the cost the Exchequer being £1,250,000, "of" which £50,000 was recoverable from contractors. The paragraphs are calculated to leave the reader under the delusion that the Ministry of Home Security may have been states the association. After Dunkirk nearly all the cement in the country was diverted to the construction of coast defences, and as a result there was hardly any available for the shelter construction programme the public were agitating for more Regional officers of the Ministry, according to the association, issued regional circulars instructing local authorities to use lime mortar. Most authorities protested. The ohly evidence heard by the Committee of Public Accounts was given by Ministry officials, and this gave a wholly false picture." MR.

HARRY HOPKINS'S LOSS WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 13. President Roosevelt has notifled Mr. FARM PRODUCE. The Lac- Harry Hopkins that his son, Stephen, Order. to conform There to were those no Ased on the under retall the in the Marshall Islands and buried at and Poultry Coundi recommended aged eighteen, has been killed in action Press.

SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT Wireless VITILL STEWART, Wireless Service in Outlying (Est 1929) 44. Alexandra Heaton Moor Tel. 4440 Philately Wanted ANTED, CoLlection of British, Colonial. and Foreign Stamps. Caprice, Last Parade, Rhyl.

Gardening 20. A Alfred. -CLASS Spur, -Emperor, King 504. Sir Watkin Crams, Helios, 100; Princes, Barri Double White. Eye.

20s. 100; Mixed Trumpet 250. 100; Mired Narcimi, 15s, 100 Clara Butt, Zanober, nelescombe Yellow, Yellow Giant, Mozart, Mixed Darwins, 64. 501. -Dutch Imperator.

Wedrwood Mixed, 61. 100. Madonna and Star of Bethlehem. 6d. 100.

12a. 6d. 100. 20s. dos, Aconites, 159.

100. 24. 16 Smaller Daffodils and tor 256., 561b 901 Strawberry Plants, Royal Sovereign, Breads 106. 50. 201.

100. Gooseberry dos. Raspberry All Canes, carriage 41. paid. Blackberrie 20.

each. UM 14. CHARLES CURTIS. Chatters, Combe. DAINTY DISHES and NEW BALADS TYPE msured CLOCHES: by the neat design and prontable.

R. Dawson Land. Legland, Preston, Lanes. WOOL wil dire Free of TREES. Charge Harry with every order received value and Fruiting Bush Apple or Plum Tree.

Select your order from this offer of stone fruiting Currants, Red Currants, No. Gooseberries, Careless, 187- Raipberries, Lloyd 50 for Strawberries, Royal 100. Butch mired 4 mixed Gift Toton FRUIT Spring APPLES. Cordon, and Standard, years over Trees. clean and healthy, on Btocks from Research Station; al and Red Strawberries, and Rambler Roses Illustrated List of Mark Frutt Trees post free on receipt of id.

stamp. GREGORY SON, LTD. Notts. TO stratas: OPPER, range CARNATIONS of colour. from R.

Exhibition Lane. Preston. Wanted GARDEN Steam Models. Loco. 235.

Wanted. also Miscellaneous Private sticks, Tankards, Balvera, Tabla Anne, FUll pieces. REIT 120, Road, Birmingham, 228. Birch5010. BEAL COAT.

Mine For colour, picked aS ACT: DO coupons. 6 p.m OCELOT ENd COAT: 2350: 2600: L. BOND. Place, Aider bot. BRA POULTRY painted: 12ft.

6ft for birdr: or nearest. 85 Murpet: Indian plain lava: 12rt. pict At. 0828. 101, CARPET 15fm.

fOr hand mited. 5, 1.0." CARPETS of Quality: varions ALL 55. Crescent Road, Cheetham Rod ROLL- TOP DESK, 212: Time Recorder, Harder Cabinet, Boardroodt Table. STORES. 35, Withy Grove.

DROPPED perfect SQUARE condition, COAT full FOR 2200 or Box W. H. Son, booksellers, WASHERS RENOVAT Let ouz. renovate your Hectric Limited Supply of Rollers for Sectric Please seed full particulars or telephone Rue. 4128.

THE MORTIC ECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL NOINEERING CO. 728, Brockport Rd. (ur. Dickenson Ed), Macchester 13. s'ecdon WASHING reconditioned MACHINES: popular biz maker: guaranteed.

BURKE CO. 534. Chester O'4 Manchester Phoda TRA 1003. ELECTRIC Bertie, WASHING Thor. MACHINES: these others: DOPLE FLECTRICAL COMPANY.

110. Brook Street ARD. 4266 SUPER CARPETS FOR 102. FOR SAL meter, totald Wood 181. Goardian and PLATE: 258.

CEO. 1500. PLANT. sod SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT Miscellaneous FOR INGE: BALE, 9116. WOODEN 901L SECTIONAL BUILD- 6011, 2001.: 5316.

191. and other aissa in stock: no permits required. H. PEEL, Soverty Bridge. Tel.

81211. FOR 6ALI, 15.000 CARDBOARD CARIONS. caused, Inside measurement 41n. 354lm. not printed: in collapsed form: suitabie for cosmetics OF ADJ LyDe of anall pack.

Address 100. Guardian 2. butore, calline on hardware Wholesale shops Distri- and Ironmongers, desire to FIRELIONTERS in Manchester and outlying districts: stacking accommodation available as aid in regular distribution, 120, Guardian 2. Write Macleod. Newton HO (manual Mur.

worked, for by Immediate de posal. Address 2 118 Guardian TE On largest WASHING selection MACHINES: England: free home demonstrations without obligation. Write or "phone BURROUGH, 542. Chester Road, Bar. Manchester.

TRA. 1996. INVALID TRICYOLE, by Cart London: hand propelled, chaln drive, 3 speed; new: 240. 13, Colville Grove, Bale. LADDERED service.

Btockings In visibly Mended: CLASSIC, 74. Mosley Street, Manchester, and 111, Lapwing Lane Brown SHARKSKIN SHOES by Rayne: Aze 312: hardly worn: Address 278, Guardian 2. Boots Ledger: a11 sizes. John Dalton Manchester 2. M' bottom drawers, 281n.

1 22ln. enclosed in handsome with panelled mahogaDy case with foiding doors and drawer underneath: duplicate keys all Jocks: perfect condition. Apply 10, Morles Road, Tel. 2676. Coat: very modern: pert.

condition: 2550. C. 248 COAT and HAT to match: modern: condition: stock size: FOR Guardian DESK. 2. 4ft.

210.: to 245. 181. Guard." FURNITURE ADO SAFES: 68, New Bond Street, London, Mayfair 0977-8. DINNER 28 12 soups, 24 10. Did $227.

Very Good BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT: 2165. Address 248. Guardian 2. OT BE and 19in. 10 also Card- 9.0, PAUL DAIRIES 7.

DARROT POOD: coed quality: 64. per b. VICTORY STORES, 27, Road, dbam. DIGSKIN GLADSTONE BAG, base 221n. rood condition: 210.

50, PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Repaired: auter service CATLING-HADLEY. 33 Jobo Dalton: Street- Manchester 2 CONDITIONED TARPAULINS: 20tt. each, deGreen and any Royal Chambers, PRESTON (5179). 33. John Dalton 8.., Mic 2.

33, John Dalton Miser 2 264m. JOED CROOK, Bast St-, Bolton. 1 5410. SAVE COAL. 21.

NEW 6d. bas. HARDWOOD BLOCKS and 40 Celtvered. INGLE 59. Bury Old Bond, Bedgley Park, Prestwich, Pre.

2110. and BOx, or Dress talored, tall and' 210 or no coupons; Goll and Bar. offers: China Coffee Bet. hand painted, 210 Wardrobe, It. ok, cast 320.

Li 5. Collars, Reckbands: DO coupons required: post orders receive Immediate atteation. CLABBIC, 74, Mosley Street. Manchester, and 111. Lapwing Lane.

Didabary. BOP Many Green, and STOCKINGS REPOOTED: DO coupons requtred: 5s. Dele: post 74. orders 4d. extra: state die of CLASSIC.

Hosier Street, Manchester. and 111. Lapsing Lane. Dicabary TEA SERVICE. pieces: modern desion: 250.

Address 217, 2. PORTS Scotch poos, 100 tor rarions -Hadley. John Dalton Be. 2 and 16ft. LEVEL by 6.

Gasrdlan PLATE DISH COVERS, 13. and 16 12. CANADIAN CABLE 233. Guardian 28 12 12: 2. REPAIRED.

HIRED, Booth 33. 8-14: all makes. Catting Dalton Street, Manchester WARDROBE TRONK, 40 strong. 3 2n. blue: wed 29.

3 18 Guardtan 2 Users seeking Supplies of JARS. DRUMS their Inquiries to 2 the variety all mitable-for Well 0015-6. BAR 1937: 1013 8400.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.