Lincoln Nebraska State Journal from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

NEBRASKA STATE JOUIINAL, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MARfJI 15, 1911 1 Font Ciutmber chairmen the Yellow Cab. The plaintiff complains that he was driven at a reckless rate from his residence to and employes from seven districts of eastern Nehraska met at the Hotel Lincoln rYtday for a training session and administrative instructions. a bus depot, and suffered Injuria Mere mention i Hundred of "For Rent" and 'For 8al" offers In today Want Ada. Make your dollars go farther shop the Want Ada. Adv.

from being bumped about In the Louis Hornc on leave to do army work cab. The suit was filed by Atty, Herman Glnsburg. Tri -County district asked au Ask biila on 48ft miles of power line NORTH PLATTE. (UP1. Bids i i 1 1 v.

a Roberts given second parole from prison Upon request of the federal gov ernment Louis W. execu tlve secretary of Lincoln conr 4 I I munlty chest and council of social agencies, has been granted a two Harold R. Roberts, 53, North Platte, sentenced to the peniten tiary for robbery in 1911 and pa tmha CaanpMI. months leave of absence to make surveys win ik9 uncu aaaurrii -i tf wir structlon of 488 miles of rural electrification lines, of which 275 miles will be in Lincoln county. The balance is in Dawson, Frontier and Gosper counties.

George Meyers, co-ordinator for the district, said 17 deep well irrigation pumps and the village of Wellfleet will be served by the district when work is completed. Construction is expected to begin in April and finish in August. roled, convicted of murder, of recreational escaped and later caught, was granted a parole' Friday by the hall Hardy. Hebron students hack to classes after a strike HEBRON, Neb. LTV Hebron junior college simmered down to normal class attendance Friday after "practically all" of the atu dent body walked out Thursday in protest against administration policies.

A student who asked that his name be withheld, said the trouble had been "brewing for a long; time" but came to a head over two students whose conduct had been criticised by President Karl F. Weltner. The student body, the Informant said, walked out of classes "practically 100 percent in a spontaneous protest." Students had a meeting; with President Weltner Thursday night, but nothing came of it Dr. Weltner declined to give his version of the affair. "It's not in the' public interest to publish a scandal," he said.

"The students protested certain issues and are appealing to the board." Ernest Pullman of Deshler, a school board member, said no special meeting had been called to discuss the situation, but it might come up at the regular meeting activities sur rs CI rounding army ramps and de board of pfmlons. The board granted 7 other paroles and 16 fense units. commutations. a rles thority of the railway comminaion Friday to build two milea of rural line in Thayer county. Mlaa Ruth Easterday will address Lincoln Society for the Hard of Hearing at, the Y.

W. C. A. Saturday evening at 8, her topic Ing "Christian Symbolism." Lip reading class meets at 7. Andy KoIUbs, Omaha liquor dealer, and Oral E.

Rieken. O'Neill beer operator, have been cited to appear before the state liquor commission for hearing March 19 on charges of improper operation. Warren Tool, Nebraska graduate of 1940, will leave for Washington Sunday where he will be employed in the war department. Mr. Tool has been in the Insurance business since graduating from the university.

Will of Mary T. Grant, who died March 7, was filed for probate Friday. She left her estate to Joseph P. Grant, a brother, and Gertrude E. Grant, a sister, in equal shares, and asked that Joseph Grant be made executor.

The state banking department said Friday the court had ap Taft, appointed Roberts was sentenced In 1911 to serve 3 to 15 years on a robbery charge in Hall county. He was paroled three years later, but by the preai YOUNG MEN are gradually being worked into the activities of the chamber of commerce, two of the most recent being John Campbell and Phil Hardy. Campbell is chairman 'of the aviation and airport development committee. Hardy heads the Pershing memorial group. Their appointment was announced Friday by Joe W.

Sea-crest, chamber president dent to head up the work under was returned as a convicted mur Paul V. Mc derer and sentenced to 25 years from Lincoln county. Nutt, recently elected 12 community chest secre- He escaped in 1925 and was returned In 1930. His murder term expired in 1937, and he had approximately three years left on L. w.

Hm. taries In the middle west to assist him. Secy, his original sentence and as parole violator. slipping caused his ailment. He says the rareness with which injury plays a part makes the award based on speculative and conjee tend.

Home, along with the othprs, con 4 Hf LfHiliftiiiHniHBlliBi ferred with Mr. Tart in unicago, Robert Foxx, 35, of Ohio, sen it I tenced to 15 years in the peniten and the latter asked the local executive committee to loan Secy. Home to him to organize for the Conservationists meet Soil conservation superintendents proved a further payment of 15 task of studying and recommend Mach 24. He expressed belief the tension on the campus would relax before then, and that the differences would be ironed out in the normal course of events. percent or S23.874 to depositors in tiary In 1934 for robbery, received commutation and will be released only to Ohio authorities.

Foxx tipped off Omaha police to many robberies, but in 1934 was sentenced for taking $192 from Abe Babior, a grocer, wkh. an accom a r. o. as au. tm.

(., jk- the liquidation of the Citizens ing plans for recreational faculties to soldiers and sailors. Secy. Home has had experience, "We're not foin out tonlfht you have a who is anybody has a headache on income tax day!" bank of Bennet. Previously 50 percent or $79,583 had been paid making a total of (103,458 that has been paid to date. The bank plice.

NOW ON DISPLAY in. out Stale! During the first World war he served with the American Library association in administering camp libraries. He later was in the army, and in the central officers training school at the time of the was taken over on Oct. 21, 1940, Harry Botorff, 36, serving 15 years In the penitentiary for a Fremont garage holdup in 1932, Ida M. Britton Upholds an award to injured worker The supreme court Friday af received a commutation to 12 Sweet Heart of Whipped Cream, Icings, Meringues and Every Delicate Dessert years.

Other decisions: Removal of the suit of Hazel Bain against tjbe Santa Ke Trail Transportation company to the federal district court was ordered by District Judge Chappell Friday 47 armistice. After discharge from the army he continued with camp library work at the naval Fealtentlary Commutatlaaa. going overseas with Red Cross firmed the workmen compensation award given Fred Schirmer Joseph Lawhead. Scottsbluff nnuntv. aentenccd In 1938 to five years for rape.

operating base in Norfolk, va. against the Cedar County Farm sdeivin uook, uougiaa, IVM, lour yean, anslailKhter. Miss Ida M. Britton, Hastings Tho functions of the field staff Injured when car hits street car OMAHA. (UP).

Wayne Lind-strom, 30, clerk, was seriously injured Friday when his automobile struck a street car broadside, derailing the tram. The street car had just started up after halting to discharge its last passenger. Witnesses said signals at the intersection gave Lindstrom the right of way. J. M.

Simmons, mo- ers Telephone company, but over-. on application of the Suit is for $10,000 damages. Plaintiff claims that due to negligence of the defendant company she Donald Snmmera, Lancaster. 1930. four years, forgery.

William Uewelka, Dou las, three turned the award for an attorney's fee, for the reason that the employer won before the compen upon which Secy. Home will serve are broad and far reaching in developing programs to keep up the morale of the men in service, as has been appointed one of the 32 nurses to make up the first Red Cross nursing unit to be sent overseas. Enrolled In the Lincoln Red slipped and fell as she alighted from a company bus in Lincoln, yenra, lorxery. Roy Sedlacek, Douglas, 1940, two years, forgery. well as in defense industrial areas Isaac Smith, Richardson.

1M0, two and was badly injured. sation court Schirmer claimed that while working on a pole he slipped, and this caused an obstruction in his coronary arteries. Some of the tentative functions Cross enroll years, oreaaing and antenna. K. L.

Stewart. Custer. 1040. two veara outlined to Secy. Home are to: disposing of mortgaged property.

The Merchants Casualty company of Lincoln was given authority Friday by Insurance Director Fralzer to write general casualty ment area, she jf i was recom- s. mended to the Chief Justice Simmons said the torman, was uninjured. Lindstrom suffered a punctured knee and se RefdmisUory Faroana. Otia Knise, Box Butte: Kills Phllllne. Survey tha realon to determine local-ttlea ami area aubstantlally by the defense program.

Determine Kenerully nature and extent Cass; William Johnson, Richardson and I AmniHonn Dal policies. It Is a mutual company, of (llBlitcattonM. Center with local leadership, irovern' Charles Kukcr, Richardson, all mo, one to two years, all breaking; and entering. Alfred Leonard, York, 1940, 1(1 months to three years, malicious destruction of mental and non-governmental, to initiate vere chest injuries. City librarian speaks to Cosmopolitan club A moving picture on "The In but in order to write fidelity and surety bonds it was necessary to put up $100,000.

This was done MODEKN MISS i4ical community recreation oraamaauon, co-ordination, planning and action. projierty. William Baldwin. Lancaster, 1940, to three years, burtlurr. in securities valued by the depart Secure local employment at community recreation organizers.

Provide technical advice and service lo Harris Ksluer, Lancaster, 1940, one to looiily fooNwar oddi that twbtU something to your rw Mmbla Ihaf onurat you, you or mI tunMd oat. Coaw in and ta many loyaly ttylat now i Hock. rtient at $80,000 and $20,000 In t- V- i .1 i 2 Hour Sale uiree years, DurKiary. evidence Justified the finding of the district court that there was a direct connection between the accident and his disabled heart, but Judge Carter said Schirmer had failed to sustain the burden of proof. He said the only evidence that an accident occurred was that given by Schirmer, and on cross-examination Schirmer said he didn't know whether he slipped or not, told his doctor he did not know what had happened.

Judge Carter says it is more likely that his heart condition caused the accident than that the Reformatory Commutations. local committees and organizers on recreation center construction and management cusu. iUL in gevertu uccuuta jibs there been any Nebraska company John Norman, Lancaster. 1SM0. ten nui Cross Harvard hospital unit by Miss A rta Lewis, an active member of the Red Cross 1 1 ent committee for Lincoln.

She is the first Ne-braskan to receive such appointment. This group i i Laj.r;Yv Ida Britton. robbery. side Story of the Library" was shown to the Cosmopolitan club by Magnus K. city librarian, at the club luncheon Friday.

He told the members that proKrani planning and operation; community organization and oUier recreation prob SAT 9 to 1 1 qualified to write this coverage, and as a result all bond business has been written in western com Burdette Rydow, Jefferson, 1940, two to four years, emheaalement. Elmer Thome, Box Butte, 1940, three lems. Tells Men's Needs. Wells Frost Co. the library did many more things years, cattle inert.

James Starr, Douglas, 1940, two years. panies. L. H. Pauley is president, In conference with the chest 63 MEN'S OXFORDS than hand out books.

C. L. Whalen vice president and urcAHiiiif anu enienng. Harold Selk, Dawson, 1940, two yean. secretaries who will aid Mr.

Taft in making preliminary studies he Among the other activities car 128 North lath St W. M. Whalen secretary and treaS' assault to rape. George Eherly, Madison, 1939, two years, ried on, he listed the weekly book said: urer. The company was organized Bkart lata fro aar kkhar rieaa ahaaa.

BUaka. brawm. ana taa tataaaa. A raal JT arcaia jmr alaa kara. of 32 nurses forms a part of 65 reviews, libraries in the suburbs, uiKHTii ui-eii ariu lorjrery.

keeping hospitals and other insti HrTormatory for Women Commutation. Annie Anway, Lincoln. 1940. two years. a number of years ago in Omaha, but was removed to Lincoln in 1935 when control was changed.

to be assembled in this country for the American Red Cross Harvard hospital to be established tutions supplied with books, and forgery. "The emergency problems are concentrated in the areas outside suddenly expanded army camps and naval stations and in the new or enlarged communities around MEN'S OVERALLS It has been restricted in the past ON SALE MARCH 14, 15AND17C somewhere in England for sci keeping the various periodical and reference departments of the library up to date. entific research in communicable diseases. new defense Industry. Local gov to writing only burglary and theft, Attorneys for Charles L.

Gowe, guardian of Catherine G. Brew- can vfo- zU4 at 66' SECONDS from Maker rtonl aata'a Mm ar libfrtr atrtpa, nlm areralla. All ara aaa-aniar kack atTaa. All walat aliea. to 49.

ernments are seriously isvertaxed, and the problems go beyond any Miss Britton is a graduate of Plan lo spend $300,000 for roads, plant Prison welfare head ill in Omaha hospital MUD (si3inr the Trumble high school and grad knowledge or experience of many sher, incompetent, asked the supreme court Friday for a rehearing of his case against the Mutual Life Insurance company of New uated from Mary Lanning Mem OMAHA. (TP). Henry G. Meyer, orial hospital school of nursing in of these communities. Neighboring large cities, perhaps as much as 150 miles away in some cases, are NO.I 9 StS.

NO.I- 7179 OSt. NO.4- Oil St- OMAHA. UP). Plans for expendi president of the Nebraska Prison 1936. In 1936 she graduated from York.

Suit was on a lapsed pol ture of $300,000 for a sewage dis 320 MENTIES Rkart lata, a SAMPLES aa4 aliakt IECONBI af kcttoc rrmaa Uaa, ha Hckt, at-aiua aa 4ark akadaa. Taa'll aT p'catT wkea Ta aaa thcaa Welfare society, is in St Joseph's Seriously affected. Island and ter NEW POTATOES 4i23c 13 ritorial posts and stations cannot icy, and. the guardian asserts that the court erred in holding that he had failed to produce satisfactory hospital here for observation and treatment of anemia. Potatoes posal plant and sewage system and for construction of paved roads In and around Fort Crook were disclosed Friday.

Hastings college and during that summer took advanced work in nursing education at University of Chicago. For the past year she has been an instructor at the Mary Lanning Hospital school. Miss Britton's parents were born be neglected. Communities are growing up suddenly, and past experience shows that every camp will ultimately have at least one Mt4 Irimal Airs. Mathews, 67, dies WPA officials confirmed that a 37 Men's Service Suits Neb.

UP). Mrs. S. A. 15c Par Pet MnthwR fi7.

whose us band is a CO person outside in the immediate vicinity for every soldier or sailor inside the reservation. 47 blanket WPA-defense project proposal has been drawn up with Fort Crook and 7th corps area officials for the construction plan and is now in Washington for SECONDS ef -pleee a 1 1 ralta. Grcr evcrU. LiheriT tripe txt white berrinrenn. All lini reerescntefl fren 4K member of the Cage county board in England, came to the United States in their youth and became naturalized American citi 95c of supervisors, died Thursday, bix What the soldiers and sailors children also survive.

zens. want is to have organized irl the communities simple, Men's Knit Polo Shirts The sewage Improvement pro pram necessary services a place to gram was estimated at around $150,000 and the road improve meet the folks, to lounge, to write letters, a place to sleep, rest APPLES JONaTBAN 4 Ll). 23c NEW CABBAGE t. ONIONS 8.25c FINE TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 25c PEAS rlOc LEMONS 23c Sanalat Naiata. OQ wremges in sia Zdm-Zoc evidence that for a period of 60 days before the lapse occurred she had been totally and permanently disabled by mental disease.

He says the evidence of her husband was that the year before she had a nervous breakdown, that he had to close the windows so that neighbors could not hear her yell, and that she had assaulted him a number of times, including kicking him out of bed. He also says an alienist who examined her the year after the policy lapsed said her mental troubles had been developing for several years, while neighbors testified to threats of suicide, barring them from her home during Christmas season and frequent tearing of hair. These facts entitle him, he says, to have a jury pass on the case. tlhmH Ma ef reffular SI knitted raren or combed cotten sport shirts In all shades. (Inert er tear sleeved styles.

AU sixes 49' Stravkerrioa aMidica ments, to include new paved streets "within the Fort and serving the adjoining bomber plant and reservation areas, was estimated at a like amount. rooms, an information service. Then next they want high grade and successful competition for all the activities that undermine and destroy morale; and then finally, Men's Sport Sweaters Splnaah Braacatf Crtery Kbaaark Short lets ef ta tent the kind of hospitality and normal $1 Vetera, saad vita Its titer trims. All are east at Ties In ten ar Talon fastea-ars. hows te 4a, Gets 3-vear MEN'S ANKLETS social contacts for tlie soldier and sailor and defense worker, from all citizens, that will bring the atmosphere of home to the boy away from home.

Many communities have taken hold and are starting on this job. For many sentence in fraud case JLLUilixJ Nar liert let! freaa ear hi her priced! (reaps af fine llsles ar eelaa-ese fstoiib. Also many cotton ribbed In striped effects er laia shades. All aises OMAHA. (IF).

Rejecting a plea 11 others we have to furnish guid for probation, Federal 'District Judge James A. Donohoe, Friday ance and leadership. In announcing Secy. Home re imposed a 3-year penitentiary sen EGGS Strictly Fresh 2 Do i. 31 MEN'S UNION SUITS lease to the government, Thomas C.

Woods, president of the chest, and MsgT. M. W. Helmann, president of the council of social tence upon William E. Kirby, 34, Omaha investment broker who recently pleaded guilty to mail fraud charges.

Ura'a knittij a I a aalla fiaa fmbri aattoa yarma aa ath-letie ar akart atoned aakla laartk atrlca. All wkito. all aiaa 47' I I )f -1 r-i I -i Head of the W. E. Kirby com agencies, expressed satisfaction over what they saw as a compli pany for several years, Kirby last ment to Lincoln in the selection October went to authorities with MEN'S SHOPCOATS OXYDOL TrJTr Ka.

15c MIU.ER'S CORNFLAKES, 215c JELLOrY-r rf. 4 4 MATCHES 13c CHERRIES 10c T.IRBT ASSOKTKD BABY FOOD 425c an admission that he was short in Ad ara SRCONDS aad his accounts. Loss to his customers, attorneys said, was about $50,000. Laundry SOAP of Mr. Home.

Fred C. Williams, board member and former president of the council, has been asked to give part of his time to administrative details of both chest and council. $1 kadlr SOILED, la wkilc. hTT-wiiht drllla ar ker-rlarkraa mm, MaaUr laraa ateea Landy Clark Co. sells Birkcs trio trial at Ord "TAYLOR, Neb.

CD. The murder trial of John, Willard and Richard Birkes, charged with the slaying of Loup County Sheriff George Brock at Valley View last Oct. 16, will be held in the district court of Valley county at Ord. Judge William F. Spikes granted a change of venue Thursday, after hearing arguments of attorneys for the state and the defense.

The three entered pleas of innocence after the informations were read to them. The trial date could not be set, pending study of the docket in Valley county. Defense attorneys withdrew a motion asking for separate trials for the three defendants, but reserved the right to present it later in the Valley county court. MEN'S SUFENDERS During Mr. Home's leave his 10 Giant Bars Mea'a aarrtoa aaaacadna thai kara hn raad SAMPI.KH.

hi aa. 19 salary will be paid by the government. He has not yet received his assignment but expects to go to nearby communities in the Seventh corps area. 27 Ma ar rlr kack itlaa, Haadreda la Ikla kvf flllfili rvu CKKAMEalT MEN'S FANCY 'SOX BUTTER 31c TL. 33c Limited Maa'a faacr aalarcd aaitoa toa Ross sues for injuries and raron kaaa.

la arJIn mmm "7 aal dark akadea. Sicra PORK CHOPS sr Ivm. 33c Ben Ross filed suit in district mm ta lm. aalr Your Baby Deserves High-Quality Foods Play Safe By Giving Him Heinz Strained Foods, Backed By A 70-Year Quality Reputation Your baby's welfare and happiness rest in your hands. Don't gamble with his diet! Givehim foods of the same high quality you enjoy Heinz Strained Foods.

You know they are good! For over 70 years, the name Heinz has stood for uniform, fine-flavored foods. Fresh flavors are preserved by cooking and packing choicest-grade meats, prize vegetables, fruits and cereals scientifically. Valuable vitamins and minerals are retained in high degree. Order a supply of Heinz 14 Strained Foods save yourself time, work and worry! CO court Thursday for $10,000 damages against the One Stop Service company, doing business: as 47 MEN'S HATS POKK SADRAGK, OUO OB BACON RQl' ARKS 10c nia iraai auaar rhsed jm Pork Loin ROAST End Cats Lb. 12c a tekea fraat Mr fl main flaar atock.

laau I WU LARD Par Wklta 3lw.22c af all atsaa TAKE A TIP FROM JEANNE JACQUES! MEN' SERVICE PANTS Bromo 1 Quinine SECONDS af twill, krr. Vapo-Rub aarrieeaMc fakTlea. AU 27c Ik DEEP CUT PRICES akadea la tkia tot. Walat ataea I to it II VEAL ROUND STEAK 35c CHEESE Aaacricaa ar Brack 2 41c HAMBURGER, 2 12 29c Ckalea Sprtaw LAMB SawaMcr t) 1 Slcak, La. ailC IknUif Pt 28 Men's Muslin Gowns Alkaeltzer All ara nwn la fctttor crada aiadlaa tkat kara Ma aard aa a a A air LCI.

fiaaa I Here's how one owner stopped her dog from itching! Miss Jacques' span id, Poochie, suffered from a severe skin ailment. She tried just everything but Poochie'f condition failed to improve. In her own words. Miss Jacques tells how she finally solved the problem "A neighbor suggested that we try (ceding Pard and 1 certainly am glad we did Within a month Poochie's skin healed completely and ever since then Poochie won't touch anything but Pard. And thanks to Pard, his health has been excellent V.

Because Pard is a correct, nutritionally balanced diet, Pard helps prevent and dear up many common diet-caused ailments. At Swift's Research Kennels, 5 successive Pard-fed genera 1 for Quiet ei'e( Of HEADACHES. COIDS. 50c SIZE DR. LYONS TOOTH POWDER 29c Cta ale Slew, 75c SIZE BAYER ASPIRIN Bottle of 100 59c SIRLOIN STEAK 23c 7c It a SOU STOMACH, 97 WOMEN'S DRESSES 4 HEINZ STRAINED FOODS Prltfd far aalck clearaaea.

7 af aw ACIO INDIGESTION, ana) MORNING MISEtV Heinz Baby Food iW 1 :i.5 and M.M dreaan. FraTloailr aa aal 1 yo at dtd KM and IS M. S0c Size prwad far twa kaara ira (I.M ad KM RIC. You will be proud to wear this beautiful, patriotic emblem THESE TWO SEALS MEAN PROTECTION FOIIAIT 50c KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE 39c 47 DRESSES All VarieUes cans for 1 5 Sweet Heart Soap 1 Bar lc, with I Bars for lSe 4 bars for 19c J5c SIZE ZERBST CAPSULES 19c Far twa kaara. Sala af im 47 draaaca fraat aar tions have enjoyed splendid health and vigor always! See for yourself what Pard can do.

Put your dog on a regular Pard diet-watch him respond! II.9S aad (raaaa. Soma ara a 1 1 1 1 1 a 97' HOILED. All alua la tha rraa joura for one dime and tiirea Vaa Camp'a labeU. jtdc ut Jar aut oroW Ultk, Available at your local dealer's. WOMEN'S HOSE Ritz Crackers For IancJies or parties CO Shart lata aad RECONDM af tka PS.

Van (amp's PORK and BEANS Attractive, Highly Nutritive, And Ready To Serve, HEINZ 12 NEW JUNIOR FOODS Have Rich Flavors Your Growing Baby Will Relishl ack klakar Brtord kaaa. Inhaler BARBASOU. 42c VITALISE 39c LAVORIS 79c Unguentinen. 43c 10c All illk In aad 4 Mb: box 23c thread and Nao-aaaa. 49c 37' 1 nitis i' 1 -V I 1 Baume Bang ay I w59cJ ara dcalraato akadaa.

swrrs mnwaaUT Muaai in FtM It SAVEIE laaa to tV. 3 SAVE! 3 SAVE!.

Lincoln Nebraska State Journal from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

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