Katie Standon Parents (2025)

1. Where is Katie Standon (Genie) Now in 2024? Is She Alive?

  • The father of Katie Standon, also known as Genie, is Wes Standon. He is portrayed in the film as a domineering and abusive man who subjected his family, ...

  • where is Katie Standon from 'Mockingbird Don't Sing' now? As of 2024, Genie resides in a foster care facility for adults in Southern California

Where is Katie Standon (Genie) Now in 2024? Is She Alive?

2. Mockingbird Don't Sing - Variety

  • 16 okt 2002 · Katie's father (Jack Betts) kills himself before he can take the ... Standon - Kim Darby Katie - Tarra Steele Beverly Glazer - Laurie O ...

  • The spirit of Robert Aldrich is alive and well in Harry Bromley-Davenport's "Mockingbird Don't Sing," a sensationalized screen treatment of the headline-grabbing "Genie" case of 1970, in which a 12-year-old Los Angeles girl, chained to an infant's potty chair since birth by her parents, was finally released from her captivity.

Mockingbird Don't Sing - Variety


  • in the movie Mockingbird Don't sing, Katie Standon is the main character in the film experiencing violence by her father. She spent almost her entire childhood.

4. Mockingbird Don't Sing | Rotten Tomatoes

Mockingbird Don't Sing | Rotten Tomatoes

5. Mockingbird Don't Sing - Apple TV

  • From the age of one and half years to thirteen, Katie (Tarra Steele) was imprisoned by her mentally deluded parents. She was locked in a room, tied and immobile ...

  • From the age of one and half years to thirteen, Katie (Tarra Steele) was imprisoned by her mentally deluded parents. She was locked in a room, tied an…

Mockingbird Don't Sing - Apple TV

6. [PDF] The Girl in the Window - Reynolds Journalism Institute

  • Dani, 9, has a new family now, and a new chance at life thanks to her brother. William, 10, and parents Diane and Bernie Lierow. 5PAge 24 of 346. Page 25. ©2008 ...

7. Girl in the Window | Features | Tampa Bay Times - Investigations

  • 3 aug 2008 · Even though Dani is safe with her new parents, she's still very much in her own world. For the first seven years of her life, Dani never saw ...

  • Can love and caring make up for a lifetime of neglect?

Girl in the Window | Features | Tampa Bay Times - Investigations

8. Mockingbird Don't Sing | Filmpedia, the Films Wiki | Fandom

  • Tarra Steele as Katie Standon · Melissa Errico as Sandra Tannen · Kim Darby as Louise Standon · Joe Regalbuto as Dr. Norman Glazer · Sean Young as Dr. Judy Bingham ...

  • Mockingbird Don't Sing is a 2001 American independent drama film directed by Harry Bromley Davenport. The film was released on May 4, 2001 by Mainline Releasing. It is based on the true story of Genie, a modern-day feral child from the 1970s. Set in the 1970s, the film follows UCLA graduate student Sandra Tannen (Melissa Errico) and her attempts to help Katie Stanton (Tarra Steele), an abused 13-year-old girl who was locked in a closet for 12 years. Tarra Steele as Katie Standon Melissa Errico a

Mockingbird Don't Sing | Filmpedia, the Films Wiki | Fandom

9. Casting de Mockingbird Don't Sing (2001) - SensCritique

  • Synopsis : Jusqu'à l'âge de treize ans, Katie a été séquestrée par ses parents. ... Louise Standon. Tarra Steele. Katie.

  • Casting et infos sur l'équipe qui a participé à l'élaboration du film Mockingbird Don't Sing (2001) de Harry Bromley Davenport

10. Where The Practical Magic Kids Are Now - Yahoo

  • 13 mrt 2017 · In 2001, she appeared in Mockingbird Don't Sing, a biography that depicted the harrowing 1970 case of Katie Standon, a girl whose parents locked ...

  • They've grown up so much!

Where The Practical Magic Kids Are Now - Yahoo

11. Pour l'amour de Katie - Seriebox

  • Jusqu'à l'âge de treize ans, Katie a été séquestrée par ses parents. Pendant ... Kim Darby. Rôle principal. Louise Standon · miniature non trouvee. États ...

  • Jusqu'à l'âge de treize ans, Katie a été séquestrée par ses parents. Pendant des années, elle a vécu enfermée dans une chambre, attachée et totalement isolée dans un silence seulement ponctué de brutalité. En 1970, elle a été transférée dans un hôpital de Los Angeles. On a alors découvert qu'elle n'avait jamais appris à parler et ne comprenait pas la moindre parole. Sandra, une jeune étudiante en linguistique passionnée par son cas va peu à peu gagner sa confiance et devenir son amie...

Pour l'amour de Katie - Seriebox

12. [PDF] 2022 Journal of Sustainable Educational Studies (JSES)

  • 26 jan 2022 · Öğretmen Judy'nin Katie'yi hastaneden alıp evine getirmesiyle Katie'nin göçebe hayatı başlar. ... parents, may have attitudes and beliefs ...

Katie Standon Parents (2025)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.